IFS Informed Healing Support

Helping you uncover peace, strength and solace

Imagine finding

  • Greater access to calm, compassion, and clarity, within.
  • Powerful processes for listening to parts of you that need attention, and feeling those parts soften in the light of curiosity and care.
  • Caring support for living your best life - one where you feel connected, resourced and whole.

I'd like to tell you about a healing modality to support all this and more - it's called Internal Family Systems.

Hi, I'm Noe

I'm a mental health practitioner (MTS, CHT) with extensive training in IFS and complimentary spiritual and energetic modalities. My work is trauma informed.

Working over telehealth, I help people all over the world to heal and feel better with Internal Family Systems.


How I Work

We start by establishing safe space, welcoming parts of you in need of witnessing, using a supportive, non-pathologizing approach. We then get to know the different parts of you. We also establish a connection that which lies beyond those parts - your true self.

Our work is based in the processes of Internal Family Systems, a therapeutic healing modality created by marriage and family therapist Dick Schwartz.  Psychological research has affirmed its effectiveness, earning it the status of an evidence based therapy, effective in treating a wide range of issues, including trauma, anxiety, and more

IFS based in the understanding all of your parts carry positive intent for you. As we get to know those parts, we learn more about why they took on the roles they did.

Generally, the behavioral patterns that trouble us today started out as coping mechanisms that our parts developed to adapt to life in our family of origin.

As we grew up, those protective parts then continued these strategies without understanding how life had changed.

IFS updates the internal system, bringing appreciation to protective parts for the ways they've served us, and ultimately helping to heal the wounded inner children they protect.

Over time, this work can transform the whole way you experience life - moving from inner conflict to integration - a whole greater than the sum of its parts.

"Health comes from integration. It’s that simple… A system that is integrated is in a flow of harmony. Just as in a choir, with each singer’s voice both differentiated from the other singers’ voices but also linked, harmony emerges with integration.”

– Dan Siegel

Can This Help Me?

My past and current clients' issues include:

  • Relationship difficulties
  • Healing from trauma and abuse
  • Traumatic birth experiences
  • Pregnancy post loss
  • Transition to motherhood
  • Navigating the world as a sensitive person
  • Addiction and recovery
  • Overcoming creative blocks
  • Moving through spiritual emergency - surviving and transmuting the dark night of the soul
  • Setting healthy boundaries
  • Overcoming fear and anxiety
  • Deepening greater self-confidence
  • Attaining deeper self-understanding
  • Plant medicine integration
  • Becoming more resourced as a parent

In my practice, I help clients with all these things and more.

Special Offer

Right now, I'm offering up to six sessions at the low introductory rate of just $60 apiece when you book a package of six sessions, or $80 when you book three. (After these initial sessions, we would move to my regular rate of $135, with the possibility of continuing at a sliding scale rate for those in need.)

Whether you decide to do up to six sessions, or to continue working together beyond that time frame, it would be my pleasure to serve you.



Thank You!

Life Transforming

I came to Noe with questions about my boundaries and looking for more clarity around my purpose and partnerships. I’m now feeling much more self-connected and centered and more comfortable embracing the unknown. I appreciate Noe’s full, caring presence, and her gift for finding questions that feel just right. I’m now connecting more and more to my inner knowing and am learning to use it more in life decisions. I highly recommend sessions with Noe. They are life transforming. 

- Svetlana (Brooklyn, NY)

Visionary Gentle Approach to Realizing your Own Self-Worth  

Noe has been instrumental in guiding me to realize my own power as a woman of color, mother, introvert, and old-soul path.  I directly looked at - and explored - parts of myself that I held in discordance pretty much my whole life.  It was calming and cathartic, and I look forward to doing more of these sessions with Noe.  She is reassuring and patient with a calm-in-the-storm presence. 

- D

Patient, Insightful, Challenging Creative Coach

I started working with Noe after experiencing a frustrating creative block that set in after a difficult transition in my life. Noe’s slow careful work with me through my situation and her insightful, probing questions enabled me not only to return to productive work after two years of difficulty, but set me on the path to to future growth and productivity. Noe helped me focus and clarify my creative voice and to establish the mental practices that will help me get over creative setbacks in the future. I am grateful to Noe for her patient and attentive listening and her gentle guidance towards understanding and resolution of complex issues.

– Ted, (San Francisco, CA).

Insightful, Caring, Effective Support

Sessions with Noe have been super helpful. I really appreciate her thoughtful and caring approach, and I always feel safe, supported and heard during our sessions. I highly recommend working with Noe – she’s wonderful!

- Cate (San Francisco, CA)

“You are not too old and it is not too late to dive into your increasing depths where life calmly gives out its own secret.”

– Rilke

I'm Interested.... Where Do I Start?

The first step is a free, 15 minute consultation where we'll establish whether it's a right fit to work together. 

If it feels like a match, we're good to go. I'll send you an intake form where you can share more with me about your needs, struggles, and personal history. Then you're ready for your full length IFS session, which is 60 minutes long and meets over Zoom.

About Me

My life’s work is to support people in uncovering their underlying wholeness, self-compassion, and self worth. As we build capacity to do this, our system can begin to heal itself.  

Along my life’s journey, I've overcome many of the same challenges as my clients.  Some of my life challenges have included trauma (Me Too), grief and loss, and spiritual emergency

I've also faced adapting to motherhood, supporting neurodiverse family members, midlife career transition, overcoming perfectionism and learning to thrive as a highly sensitive person.

Along the way, getting my own support has brought safety and solace, helping me become the resourced practitioner that I am today.

I trained in IFS through IFS Canada, including the 16 week Stepping Stones and Stepping Deeper courses, incorporating more than 100 hours of training and supervised practice, and the Advanced Weekend addressing all the spiritual underpinnings of the model. This is the content equivalent of IFS institute levels 1, 2 and 3, which are the courses required for full certification through IFSI. 

I hold an MTS in comparative religion from Harvard Divinity School (comparative focus) and a CHT (certification in hypnotherapy) from the Foundation of the Sacred Stream, through which I am also ordained as an interfaith minister. I earned my bachelor’s in psychology and spirituality at New York's Hunter College (Summa Cum Laude). For my complete background and training, go here.

While my current scope of practice is as a non licensed mental health practitioner, I am also midway through a second masters in counseling psychology at Sofia University, my first step towards becoming a state licensed marriage and family therapist.

I live, work and play on the unceded lands of the Ramaytush Ohlone, (Pacifica, California). I am neurodiversity and LGTBQIA affirming, and committed to antiracism.

When not seeing clients, I enjoy spending time with my children, songwriting, and long walks by the sea.

Book Your Call Today

Want to take me up on this offer for effective, affordable IFS informed counseling? If so, book your free initial consult today. I look forward to learning how I can support you.